Installation and Support

CosmicProfiles makes use of the following packages:

  • numpy>=1.19.2

  • scipy>=1.10.1

    • for lower versions conda conflicts might be non-resolvable; pip is less sensitive and there should be neither install nor runtime issues down to version 1.6.1

  • cython

  • scikit-learn

  • mpi4py

  • h5py

  • pathos

  • matplotlib<3.5

    • versions >=3.5 will bicker over auto_add_to_figure=False not being an admissible argument for Axes3D

  • psutil

Source code for these is included with CosmicProfiles and is built automatically, so you do not need to install them yourself. However, beware of MPI and OpenMP (see below).

Binary installation with conda

This is the recommended installation path for Anaconda and Miniconda users. Conda Forge provides a conda channel with a pre-compiled version of CosmicProfiles for linux 64bit and MAC OS X platforms. You can install it in Anaconda with:

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install -c conda-forge mpi4py
conda install cosmic_profiles


Running CosmicProfiles relies on a functioning MPI implementation. For macOS and Linux, MPICH can be installed in the command line using brew install mpich or sudo apt install mpich, respectively.

Binary installation with pip

Installing CosmicProfiles from the Python Package Index using pip is recommended for most other users. For most common architectures and platforms (Linux x86-64, Linux i686, and macOS x86-64), pip will download and install a pre-built binary. For other platforms, it will automatically try to build CosmicProfiles from source.

To install the latest version of CosmicProfiles with pip, simply run:

pip install mpi4py
pip install --user cosmic-profiles

If you have installed with pip, you can keep your installation up to date by upgrading from time to time:

pip install --user --upgrade cosmic-profiles


Pip will most likely rely on OpenMP support being enabled for the compiler (gcc for Linux or clang for macOS) during the installation process, and while this is easy to establish on Linux (via sudo apt install libomp-dev), it is challenging on macOS (albeit possible, see here).


The easiest way to get help with the code or to contribute is to raise an issue or open a pull request (PR) on GitHub.
