AHF Example



Additional packages to install: pynbody and nbodykit.

We mentioned that identifying halos and galaxies for a simulation box is a challenging task. Most state-of-the-art halo finders have no direct Python wrappers, yet pynbody allows to overcome this limitation by wrapping to most major halo finders, including the Amiga Halo Finder (AHF), Rockstar and SubFind.

For this reason we demonstrate in this example how one can use the s.halos() command of pynbody to identify halos in a simulation box. For pynbody’s AHF-invoking s.halos() command to work with a Gadget output, one needs to install AHF and place the executable into ~/bin (or extend the $PATH variable)

$ wget popia.ft.uam.es/AHF/files/ahf-v1.0-111.tgz
$ tar zxf ahf-v1.0-111.tgz; cd ahf-v1.0-111   # extract
$ make AHF                                    # build
$ cp bin/./AHF-v1.0-111 ~/bin/                # copy into $PATH
$ echo 'PATH=$PATH:~/bin' >> ~/.bashrc        # make $PATH aware of AHF

Then, modify _run_ahf(self, sim) in /path/to/pynbody/halo/ahf.py to:

def _run_ahf(self, sim):
    typecode = '60' # '61'
    import pynbody.units as units
    # find AHFstep

    groupfinder = config_parser.get('AHFCatalogue', 'Path')

    if groupfinder == 'None':
        for directory in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
            ahfs = glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, "AHF*"))
            for iahf, ahf in enumerate(ahfs):
                # if there are more AHF*'s than 1, it's not the last one, and
                # it's AHFstep, then continue, otherwise it's OK.
                if ((len(ahfs) > 1) & (iahf != len(ahfs) - 1) &
                        (os.path.basename(ahf) == 'AHFstep')):
                    groupfinder = ahf

    if not os.path.exists(groupfinder):
        raise RuntimeError("Path to AHF (%s) is invalid" % groupfinder)

    if (os.path.basename(groupfinder) == 'AHFstep'):
        isAHFstep = True
        isAHFstep = False
    # build units file
    if isAHFstep:
        f = open('tipsy.info', 'w')
        f.write(str(sim.properties['omegaM0']) + "\n")
        f.write(str(sim.properties['omegaL0']) + "\n")
            units.kpc, a=1) / 1000.0 * sim.properties['h']) + "\n")
            str(sim['vel'].units.ratio(units.km / units.s, a=1)) + "\n")
        f.write(str(sim['mass'].units.ratio(units.Msol)) + "\n")
        # make input file
        f = open('AHF.in', 'w')
        f.write(sim._filename + " " + str(typecode) + " 1\n")
        f.write(sim._filename + "\n256\n5\n5\n0\n0\n0\n0\n")
        # make input file
        f = open('AHF.in', 'w')

        lgmax = np.min([int(2 ** np.floor(np.log2(
            1.0 / np.min(sim['eps'])))), 131072])
        #lgmax = np.min([int(2 ** np.floor(np.log2(
        #    1.0 / 0.19))), 131072])
        # hardcoded maximum 131072 might not be necessary

        print(config_parser.get('AHFCatalogue', 'Config', vars={
            'filename': str(sim._filename),
            'typecode': int(typecode),
            'gridmax': int(lgmax)
        }), file=f)

        print(config_parser.get('AHFCatalogue', 'ConfigGadget', vars={
            'omega0': sim.properties['omegaM0'],
            'lambda0': sim.properties['omegaL0'],
            'boxsize': sim['pos'].units.ratio('Mpc a h^-1', **sim.conversion_context()),
            'vunit': sim['vel'].units.ratio('km s^-1 a', **sim.conversion_context()),
            'munit': sim['mass'].units.ratio('Msol h^-1', **sim.conversion_context()),
            'eunit': 0.03  # surely this can't be right?
        }), file=f)


    if (not os.path.exists(sim._filename)):
        os.system("gunzip " + sim._filename + ".gz")
    # determine parallel possibilities

    if os.path.exists(groupfinder):
        # run it
        os.system(groupfinder + " AHF.in")

and the [AHFCatalogue] section in /path/to/pynbody/config.ini to:

# settings for the AHF Catalogue reader

AutoRun: True
# automatically attempt to run AHF if no catalogue can be found
# on disk

Path: None
# /path/to/AHF, or None to attempt to find it in your $PATH

AutoGrp: False
# set to true to automatically create a 'grp' array on load
# The grp array

AutoPid: False
# set to true to automatically create a 'pid' array on load
# the PID array is another way to get the particle IDs in the ancestor snapshot,
# but the framework provides h[n].get_index_list(f) for halo catalogue h and
# base snapshot f, so you probably don't need AutoPid

Config:   [AHF]
          ic_filename = %(filename)s
          ic_filetype = %(typecode)s
          outfile_prefix = %(filename)s
          LgridDomain = 128
          LgridMax = %(gridmax)s
          NperDomCell = 5
          NperRefCell = 5
          VescTune = 1.5
          NminPerHalo = 50
          RhoVir = 0
          Dvir = 200
          MaxGatherRad = 10.0

ConfigGadget:     [GADGET]
          GADGET_MUNIT = 1.0e10
          GADGET_LUNIT = 1.0e-3

In this example, we generate a mock universe using nbodykit, save the universe to a Gadget 2 file, load the Gadget 2 file with pynbody, identify halos with AHF and estimate shape profiles with CosmicProfiles.

If pynbody.plot.image(halos[2].d, width = '500 kpc', cmap=plt.cm.Greys, units = 'Msol kpc^-2') fails, modify the argument cen_size in the center() function of /path/to/pynbody/analysis/halo.py to something like cen_size="10 kpc".

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Mar 16 18:23:43 2021

from mpi4py import MPI
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
rank = comm.Get_rank()
size = comm.Get_size()
import pynbody
import os
import sys
import h5py
import inspect
import subprocess
currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(currentdir, '..')) # Only needed if cosmic_profiles is not installed
import numpy as np
from cosmic_profiles import DensShapeProfs, getMassDMParticle, updateInUnitSystem, updateOutUnitSystem
from nbodykit.lab import cosmology, LogNormalCatalog

def createLogNormUni(L_BOX, nbar, redshift, Nmesh, UNIT_MASS):
    """ Create mock simulation box by Poisson-sampling a lognormal density distribution
    The Poisson-sampled distribution is evolved according to the Zeldovich (1LPT) prescription
    up until redshift ``redshift`` under the constraint of an 'EisensteinHu' power spectrum
    :param L_BOX: size of to-be-obtained simulation box
    :type L_BOX: float
    :param nbar: number density of points (i.e. sampling density / resolution) in box, units: 1/(Mpc/h)**3
        Note: ``nbar`` is assumed to be constant across the box
    :type nbar: float
    :param redshift: redshift of interest
    :type redshift: float
    :param Nmesh: the mesh size to use when generating the density and displacement fields, 
        which are Poisson-sampled to particles
    :type Nmesh: int
    :param UNIT_MASS: in units of solar masses / h. Returned masses will have units UNIT_MASS*(solar_mass)/h
    :type UNIT_MASS: float
    :return: total number of particles, xyz-coordinates of DM particles, xyz-values of DM particle velocities, 
        masses of the DM particles (all identical)
    :rtype: int, (N,) floats, (N,) floats, (N,) floats, (N,) floats, (N,) floats, (N,) floats, (N,) floats"""
    print('Starting createLogNormUni()')
    if rank == 0:
        # Generating LogNormal Catalog
        redshift = redshift
        cosmo = cosmology.Planck15
        Plin = cosmology.LinearPower(cosmo, redshift, transfer='EisensteinHu')
        cat = LogNormalCatalog(Plin=Plin, nbar=nbar, BoxSize=L_BOX, Nmesh=Nmesh, bias=2.0, seed=42)
        x_vec = np.float32(np.array(cat['Position'][:,0])) # Mpc/h
        y_vec = np.float32(np.array(cat['Position'][:,1]))
        z_vec = np.float32(np.array(cat['Position'][:,2]))
        x_vel = np.float32(np.array(cat['Velocity'][:,0]))
        y_vel = np.float32(np.array(cat['Velocity'][:,1]))
        z_vel = np.float32(np.array(cat['Velocity'][:,2]))
        N = int(round(len(x_vec)**(1/3)))
        N_tot = len(x_vec)
        dm_mass = getMassDMParticle(N, L_BOX)/UNIT_MASS
        return N_tot, x_vec, y_vec, z_vec, x_vel, y_vel, z_vel, np.ones((len(x_vec),),dtype = np.float32)*dm_mass
        return None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None

############## Parameters ####################################################################################
updateInUnitSystem(length_in_cm = 'Mpc/h', mass_in_g = 'Msun/h', velocity_in_cm_per_s = 1e5, little_h = 0.6774)
updateOutUnitSystem(length_in_cm = 'kpc/h', mass_in_g = 'Msun/h', velocity_in_cm_per_s = 1e5, little_h = 0.6774)
L_BOX = np.float32(10) # Mpc/h
nbar = 8e+3 # If too small, e.g. 5e+3: pynbody later yields OSError: Corrupt header record. If too large, need many GBs of RAM.
Nmesh = 256
redshift = 5.5
h = 0.6774
UNIT_MASS = 10**10 # in M_sun
SNAP = '025'
CENTER = 'mode'
CAT_DEST = "./cat"
VIZ_DEST = "./viz"
katz_config = {
    'ROverR200': np.logspace(-1.5,0,70),
    'IT_TOL': 1e-2,
    'IT_WALL': 100,
    'IT_MIN': 10,
    'REDUCED': False, 
    'SHELL_BASED': False
# Create CAT_DEST and VIZ_DEST if not available
subprocess.call(['mkdir', '-p', '{}'.format(CAT_DEST)], cwd=os.path.join(currentdir))
subprocess.call(['mkdir', '-p', '{}'.format(VIZ_DEST)], cwd=os.path.join(currentdir))

def AHFEx():
    ############## Generate mock universe #######################################################################
    N_tot, dm_x, dm_y, dm_z, vel_x, vel_y, vel_z, mass_array = createLogNormUni(L_BOX, nbar, redshift, Nmesh, UNIT_MASS) # mass_array in UNIT_MASS * solar masses * h^-1
    ############## Save mock universe to Gadget 2 file #########################################################
    f = h5py.File('{}/snap_{}.hdf5'.format(CAT_DEST, SNAP), 'w')
    config = f.create_group('Config')
    header = f.create_group('Header')
    param = f.create_group('Parameters')
    ptype1 = f.create_group('PartType1')
    # Populate Config
    config.attrs['NTYPES'] = 6.0
    # Populate Header
    header.attrs['MassTable'] = np.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    header.attrs['Redshift'] = redshift
    header.attrs['BoxSize'] = L_BOX # in Mpc/h
    header.attrs['Omega0'] = 0.3089 # Planck 2015
    header.attrs['OmegaBaryon'] = 0.048
    header.attrs['OmegaLambda'] = 0.6911
    header.attrs['UnitLength_in_cm'] = 3.085678e+24 # 1 Mpc
    header.attrs['UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s'] = 100000.0 # 1 km/s
    header.attrs['UnitMass_in_g'] = 1.989e+43 # 10**10 M_sun
    header.attrs['HubbleParam'] = h
    header.attrs['Time'] = 1/(redshift+1)
    header.attrs['NumFilesPerSnapshot'] = 1
    header.attrs['NumPart_ThisFile'] = np.array([0, N_tot, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    header.attrs['NumPart_Total'] = np.array([0, N_tot, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    header.attrs['MassTable'] = np.array([0, mass_array[0], 0, 0, 0, 0])
    # Populate Parameters
    param.attrs['MassTable'] = np.array([0, mass_array[0], 0, 0, 0, 0])
    param.attrs['Redshift'] = redshift
    param.attrs['BoxSize'] = L_BOX # in Mpc/h
    param.attrs['Omega0'] = 0.3089 # Planck 2015
    param.attrs['OmegaBaryon'] = 0.048
    param.attrs['OmegaLambda'] = 0.6911
    param.attrs['UnitLength_in_cm'] = 3.085678e+24 # 1 Mpc
    param.attrs['UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s'] = 100000.0 # 1 km/s
    param.attrs['UnitMass_in_g'] = 1.989e+43 # 10**10 M_sun
    param.attrs['HubbleParam'] = h
    param.attrs['NumFilesPerSnapshot'] = 1
    param.attrs['SofteningComovingType1'] = 0.19/1000 # Mpc
    param.attrs['SofteningMaxPhysType1'] = 0.19/1000
    param.attrs['SofteningTypeOfPartType1'] = 1
    # Populate PartType1
    dm_xyz = np.hstack((np.reshape(dm_x, (dm_x.shape[0],1)), np.reshape(dm_y, (dm_y.shape[0],1)), np.reshape(dm_z, (dm_z.shape[0],1))))
    vel_xyz = np.hstack((np.reshape(vel_x, (vel_x.shape[0],1)), np.reshape(vel_y, (vel_y.shape[0],1)), np.reshape(vel_z, (vel_z.shape[0],1))))
    ptype1_coords = ptype1.create_dataset('Coordinates', dtype = np.float32, data = dm_xyz) # Mpc/h
    ptype1_coords.attrs['a_scaling'] = 1.0
    ptype1_coords.attrs['h_scaling'] = -1.0
    ptype1_ids = ptype1.create_dataset('ParticleIDs', dtype = np.uint32, data = np.arange(N_tot, dtype = np.uint32))
    ptype1_ids.attrs['a_scaling'] = 0.0
    ptype1_ids.attrs['h_scaling'] = 0.0
    ptype1_vels = ptype1.create_dataset('Velocities', dtype = np.float32, data = vel_xyz)
    ptype1_vels.attrs['a_scaling'] = 0.5
    ptype1_vels.attrs['h_scaling'] = 0.0
    s = pynbody.load('{}/snap_{}.hdf5'.format(CAT_DEST, SNAP))
    s['pos']; s['mass']; s['vel']; s['iord']
                    filename='{}/snap_{}'.format(CAT_DEST, SNAP))
    ############## Load Gadget 2 file with pynbody ###############################################################
    s = pynbody.load('{}/snap_{}'.format(CAT_DEST, SNAP))
    print("The snaphost properties read", s.properties)
    ############## Find halos with e.g. AHF #####################################################################
    s['eps'] = 0.01 # The smaller, the larger AHF's LgridMax: SpatialResolution ≃ BoxSize/LgridMax
    halos = s.halos() # Install e.g. AHF and place executable in ~/bin (or extend $PATH variable)
    # Modify /halo/ahf.py (Gadget, not Tipsy) and config.ini (Gadget, not Tipsy)
    ############## Viz some halos and retrieve basic properties #################################################
    print("The length of halo 1 and 2 are {} and {}, respectively.".format(len(halos[1]), len(halos[2])))
    print("The second halo has mass {} 1e12 Msol".format(halos[2]['mass'].sum().in_units('1e12 Msol')))
    print("The first 5 particles of halo 2 are located at (in kpc)", halos[2]['pos'].in_units('kpc')[:5])
    pynbody.analysis.halo.center(halos[2]) # Modify cen_size="1 kpc" argument in analysis/halo.py's center() method to cen_size="10 kpc" if resolution is too low (i.e. nbar too low)
    pynbody.plot.image(halos[2].d, width = '500 kpc', cmap=plt.cm.Greys, units = 'Msol kpc^-2')
    ############## Extract R_vir, halo indices and halo sizes for e.g. first 5 halos ############################
    ahf_halos = np.loadtxt('{}/snap_{}.z{}.AHF_halos'.format(CAT_DEST, SNAP, format(redshift, '.3f')), unpack=True)
    h_sizes = np.int32(ahf_halos[4])[:5] # 5th column
    r_vir = np.float32(ahf_halos[11])[:5] # 12th column
    ahf_ptcs = np.loadtxt('{}/snap_{}.z{}.AHF_particles'.format(CAT_DEST, SNAP, format(redshift, '.3f')), skiprows=2, unpack = True, dtype = int)[0]
    h_indices = [[] for i in range(len(h_sizes))]
    offset = 0
    for h_idx in range(len(h_sizes)):
        h_indices[h_idx].extend(ahf_ptcs[offset:offset+h_sizes[h_idx]]) # True indices, no plus 1 etc
        offset += h_sizes[h_idx] + 1 # Skip line containing number of particles in halo
    ############## Run cosmic_profiles: define DensShapeProfs object ############################################
    cprofiles = DensShapeProfs(dm_xyz, mass_array, h_indices, r_vir, L_BOX, SNAP, VIZ_DEST, CAT_DEST, MIN_NUMBER_PTCS = MIN_NUMBER_PTCS, CENTER = CENTER)
    if rank == 0:
        h_idx_cat_len = len(cprofiles.getIdxCat()[1])
        h_idx_cat_len = None
    h_idx_cat_len = comm.bcast(h_idx_cat_len, root = 0)
    obj_numbers = np.arange(h_idx_cat_len//2)
    ############## Create local halo shape catalogue ############################################################
    cprofiles.dumpShapeCatLocal(obj_numbers, katz_config)
    ############## Viz first halo ###############################################################################
    cprofiles.vizLocalShapes(obj_numbers, katz_config)