The CosmicProfiles project


CosmicProfiles provides shape and density profile analysis tools for cosmological simulations (and beyond). Its features include

  • overall halo shape determination, i.e. major, intermediate, minor axis vectors and shape quantities such as intermediate-to-major axis ratio or sphericity

  • halo shape profile determination

    • iterative shell-based shape profile determination algorithm for high-resolution halos

    • iterative ellipsoid-based shape profile determination algorithm for lower-resolution halos

    • user can choose between reduced shape tensor and non-reduced shape tensor

  • supports

    • ‘direct’ datasets (i.e. index catalogue provided by user) and

    • FoF / SUBFIND halo catalogues

    • GADGET-style I, II and HDF5 snapshot files

      • all functionalities available for dark matter halos, gas particle halos and star particle halos

      • in addition, allows for velocity dispersion tensor eigenaxes determination

  • halo density profile estimation using direct binning and kernel-based approaches - user can choose between direct binning into spherical shells and - direct binning into ellipsoidal shells

  • density profile fitting assuming either NFW, Hernquist 1990, Einasto or \(\alpha \beta \gamma\)-profile model - concentration-mass relationship of halos easy to calculate

  • mock halo generator: ellipsoidal or spherical, compatible with the 4 density profile models

  • easy to interface with pynbody to work with halos identified in a cosmological simulation (see example scripts)

  • easy to interface with nbodykit to harness large-scale structure capabilities (see example scripts)

  • various profile plotting and 3D point cloud plotting tools

  • efficient caching capabilities to accelerate look-ups

Indices and tables